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Product preview:Lip Balm

Lippenbalsam von Sagitta

Sabine reveals why a healthy lip balm is so important to her:

"I can't live without lip balm because I often have dry lips. I'm not exactly sure why. Either I still don't drink enough water, or I moisturize them too often, or the sun and wind dry them out. But with the products I use - and I have tested many - I am never really satisfied. I used to use a wound and healing ointment from the pharmacy for this, typical pharmacist family. But even with that, I felt like I had to keep reapplying constantly, and today I doubt if that was so healthy."

Considering that a woman eats an average of three kilos of lipstick in her lifetime, I have probably consumed my share of wound and healing ointment.

One application should be enough!

Since then, I have been thinking that there must be a lip balm that you use once. From then on, the lips are no longer dry, but feel soft and fresh and look that way too. A nourishing composition that solves the problem of dry lips without being addictive.

Not for eating, but edible!

In addition, the lip balm should only contain ingredients that are healthy and edible. Of course, you shouldn't eat the lip balm, but three kilos of lipstick are on the table! Even my children are fascinated by lip balm, and I rarely allow them to have fun with it, feeling guilty because I always think it's unhealthy for children.

Naturally beautiful lips, without constantly reapplying.

That's why we have researched, tested, and examined for a long time, and the result is a sensational lip balm that is edible and guaranteed not to be addictive. We have developed it as a circular product: the content and packaging are purely natural and also naturally biodegradable. Even the packaging is compostable."

Now available in the shop!


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