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New: Deodorant in 100 g jar

Sagitta Probiotisches Deodorant

Our Probiotic Deodorant is now available in addition to our proven 45g jar, also in a 100g jar - ideal as a family pack. "Many customers have asked in recent months if the deodorant is also available in a larger size, and we are now fulfilling this request," explains managing director Sabine Fasching the reasons for the new family pack. To ensure that several family members can hygienically remove the deodorant, a small spatula is included.

Our Probiotic Deodorant is the first of its kind worldwide, as it contains "good" bacteria that can have a positive effect on the skin. That's why our probiotic deodorant contains good lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. As long as the deodorant is not used, they are in a dormant state. When the deodorant cream is applied, the water in the sweat activates these bacteria.

While the 45g deodorant is still packaged in a compostable wooden jar from the Finnish start-up Sulapac, the new 100g jars are from Shellworks, an English start-up. The jars are made of Vivomer, a natural material formed in the cells of microorganisms, such as bacteria. "A deodorant with good bacteria, packaged in a jar made of bacteria. How cool is that!" Sabine is excited about the innovative deodorant packaging.

Our probiotic deodorant is freshly made several times a week. It has been dermatologically tested on sensitive skin in a clinical study and has received the "Very Good" certificate. The magazine Vogue regularly tests deodorants without aluminum. And since 2019, our deodorant has been a favorite every year. In 2019, it even ranked first.

Trial size in planning
Our deodorant will also be available in a small trial jar with 15g in the future. For new customers to try out or as a gift for your favorite people.

To the Probiotic Deodorant in the 100g jar


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