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Happy Friday

Happy Friday! It was Menstrual Hygiene Day this week, and not only have we found some helpful period related link, we also found some great cushions from Jenny Rotten (above) to hug it out with when you're cramping.

Everything you need to know about World Menstrual Hygiene Day.

Women are more productive in warmer offices because it makes their brains perform better.

Together we can ensure access to menstrual products for all.

Check out this new text service for vulnerable people with mental health concerns.

'I’m such a big fan of the menstrual cycle!’

What do you think about self-pity?

If you’re having troubles naming your feeling, here’s something that might help.

Dog owners get more exercise.

How to manage your period on holiday.

25 ways to live well into old age.

Check out our article on alternative period products.

Listen to this TED talk on bacteria eating plastic.


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