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Happy Friday

Happy Friday! This week we celebrated World Food Day. We encourage you to take action and help achieve #ZeroHunger world by 2030. Enjoy our links!

Here’s what you can do to help achieve #ZeroHunger.

Check out these few tips on how to stay well while traveling.

Are brands finally over body taboos?

Follow The Gut Stuff for some great gut-related tips.

What you need to know about tocotrienols.

Myth-busting study of teenage brains.

Can this jewellery really help with anxiety?

Your excuses for skipping a flu shot aren’t good enough.

Here’s an interesting guide to using a defibrillator.

There’s a playlist of songs to do CPR to!

Are probiotics useful or useless?

The results of your genetic test are reassuring, but that can change.


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