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Happy Friday

Happy Friday! Have you started your Christmas preparation? Perhaps our first Healthy Gift Guide might give you some ideas and in the meantime check out our links.

The secret to good health may be a walk in the park.

Doctors have finally ruled menstrual cramps are as painful as heart attacks.

What are the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency?

Here’s how to check if our home’s humidity may be the root of your health issues.

Which would work best for you: yoga or pilates?

The FDA just approved a drug that targets cancers based on DNA.

Women in South Korea combat body image issues with escape the corset campaign.

31 ways to cultivate more peace and joy this holiday season.

How the brain and the heart talk to each other.

Australia has cut its plastic bag use by 80 percent in just 3 months.

Is breathwork the answer to our millennial stresses?

10 of the most important medical discoveries of 2018.

Women laughing alone with tampons.


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