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For people who love to read

Welcome to our First Healthy Gift Guide of 2018! Specifically put together for those who love to read or even those who would benefit from getting into it. A recent study found that people who read books 30 minutes a day, live longer than those who do not read at all. On average book readers live 2 years longer than non-readers.

Not only do readers tend to live longer, it can also improve your memory. Reading engages different parts of your brain and increases its capacity for other mental activity which has an impact on keeping your memory sharp. There are also studies to suggest that reading can help prevent Alzheimer’s. The more you read, the more you protect your memory in essence.

Reading is also relaxing and this can reduce your stress levels which is good for tonnes of stuff in your body. Researchers from the University of Sussex found that you only need to read for 6 minutes to cut your stress level in half.

If you wanted to give someone a book for Christmas this year, we’re 100% with you, as you will be giving them all of this stuff in effect. 

Breathe and Teen Breathe are magazines that focus on mental health and having some time to escape. You can get a subscription to remind a loved one to take some much needed time out.

Hilarious and heartbreaking - This is Going to Hurt, the secret diaries of a junior doctor has five star reviews for good reason.

To Shake The Sleeping Self - A book about a man’s quest to wake up the soul. Jedidiah Jenkins went on a bike ride from Oregon to Patagonia to escape routine of everyday life and to attempt to slow down time passing so fast… And this is all about what he learned on that journey.

The gut stuff book - learn about how your insides tick with this helpful book.tummy tool: It includes A Gut Health 101: a need-to-know section on gut health that will arm you with the latest research and the facts you need to impress everyone at dinner. PLUS A twelve-week food diary with stickers AND Short guides to making gut-friendly food.

Deliciously Ella’s Plant-Based Cookbook - containing 100 simple vegan recipes to make every day delicious. Perfect for people starting diets in January or who just want to up their veggie and fruit intake for themselves and for the planet.

The happy self journal - for kids to teach them positive habits, gratitude and nurtures enquiring minds.

And a gratitude journal for those of us who need reminding of the daily good in life. Perfect for anyone really as recording 3-5 things daily that you’re grateful for is proven to improve your overall wellbeing in the long term.



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