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Happy Friday

Happy Friday

Happy Friday! As Loneliness Awareness Week is coming to an end we put together a blog post with some awesome links that might help you feel less lonely. #LetsTalkLoneliness

Help Marmalade Trust break the stigma around loneliness by taking a pledge.

Did you know that Patagonia can fix your damaged clothes?

The UK government launches campaign to tackle the stigma of loneliness.

Take part in this study to understand your body's unique responses to food.

The effect of loneliness on your health and what you can do about it.

7 health benefits of pickles and fermented foods.

How libraries help combat loneliness.

A breakthrough in the mystery of why women get so many autoimmune diseases.

Watch this TED talk to find out why we get mad and why it is healthy.

Try out this 20 minute morning yoga full body flow.

Here’s how to check your moles.

The new hand-turned Sagitta soap dishes by the lovely Annika Schüler have been added to the shop.


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