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Happy Friday

Happy Friday! We hope you had a great week so far. Here are some links to make you happy.

See how guys are handling feeling period pain under hypnosis.

Check out the first flushable pregnancy test.

Find out how to get started with zero waste.

One of the best parenting advice: ‘don’t ever stop hugging your boys’.

The power of vulnerability.

Here’s how journaling can benefit your brain.

Why we need to make it safe for girls to fail.

Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth.

How overusing of antibiotics is affecting biomes.

Science has proved the key to a thriving relationship.

Find out why green branding needs to die.

Celeste Barber and her new book cover reveal.

These “buddy benches” were designed to help kids make friends.

Do you know that not all supplements are created equal.

6 tips on how to keep your bedroom cool.


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