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Happy Friday

Happy Friday! We gathered pretty amazing links for you this week. Enjoy!

Can you teach yourself to be happier?

Did you know that the left breast is usually bigger than the right?

What are the benefits of daily journaling?

11 add-ins that make hydrating healthier.

Find out how to achieve your most ambitious goals.

There is actually a scientific reason you feel the urge to travel.

5 tips you need to know about thriving on a vegan diet.

Check out best baby probiotics for infants.

Listen to Esther Perel talking about being a therapist and modern relationships.

Why crying at work is such a big deal.

5 scientifically proven ways to help you feel calmer.

Check out this great website dedicated to women’s health.

8 yogis on how to practice self-care.

Here’s a list of foods to help fight anxiety.

Women over 50 share some thoughts about their sex lives.

What it’s like to hug for 36 hours?


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