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Happy Friday

Happy Friday! November was World Vegan Month. Apart from our usual happy links we gathered the most interesting one about veganism. Enjoy.

The growing acceptance of veganism.

Here’s how your home can be good for your health.

Is being vegan more environmentally friendly?

If you decided to go vegan, try out this VeGuide app.

Try out this elderberry tea recipe if you have a cold or flu.

Vegetarian and vegan travel, dining, and shopping options are on the rise.

Is owning a dog good for your health?

5 tips to make traveling with a food allergy easier.

Does CBD really help with muscle pain?

10 fast and healthy natural cold remedies.

Can an app guarantee a good night’s sleep?

Here’s why you should be upping your vitamin D intake.

These are the healthiest foods you can eat.


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