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Happy Friday

Happy Friday! Can you believe spring officially starts next week? We hope this thought along with our finds from the web will bring a smile to your face today.

Don't know how to check your boobs? Let us introduce you to #booberang.

Study on 657,461 children finds no link between vaccines and autism.

Why slow and steady is the smart way to exercise.

A popular benefit of houseplants unfortunately is a myth.

Danger of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Check out these limited edition tees - 50% of profits from each sale will go back into CoppaFeel. Worth supporting!

4 things everyone should know about endometriosis.

This is the hay fever forecast for 2019.

Exercise vs. drugs to treat high blood pressure and reduce fat.

How we could teach our bodies to heal faster.

Taking vitamin C won't prevent the common cold, but here's how it can affect your body.


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