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Happy Friday

Happy Friday

Friday has crept up on me this week. I did remember reading the attributes of a good friend by Yung Pueblo this week and they stuck with me, here they are:

they feel like home

they are honest with you 

they remind you of your power

they support you in your healing 

they have a rejuvanating prescence 

they hold a vision of your success 

they support you in your adventures 

the lift you up with joy and laughter 

they bring out the best version of you


Simply being with someone you love can lessen physical pain. 

The unmumsymum always worth a read.

Learn all about plastics-recycling. 

Something I bake all the time, so easy and delicious. 

Ballet's hardest dance moves.

Really enjoying the Happy Place podcasts.

I need this bear shaped cotton throw.


 Image Erin Petson


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