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For The Health Conscious

This gift guide is specifically put together for those who are already into their fitness or who are looking to get into it and improve in the new year. We have gift ideas that cover everything from equipment/apparel, ideas to destress, to at home tests you can do from the comfort of your living room (well maybe not the microbiome one) to measure where your current fitness levels are and see what will and won’t work for your body. Healthcare in the future will be about personalisation so these tests are a head start on that revolutionary wave.

All these gifts will aim to support you on a journey that’s important to keep your body healthy and they’re things we’ve all found helpful ourselves at Sagitta, and things we use regularly. We hope you enjoy the gift ideas, and we’ll see you next week with stocking filler ideas.

Analog Motion - Motorised analogs bikes to up your cycling game.

Technical Apparel to keep you comfy and supported whether you’re chowing down on delicious food or doing a work out.

Anything from here for fitness and cycling lovers.  

A test to regularly keep up to date with what’s going on inside your body.

Find out your ancestry and see what your dna tells you about your health.

A microbiome test to make sure everything is functioning smoothly in your digestive system and checking your body is getting all the nutrients it should be.

The nicest of water bottles to keep you hydrated all Christmas long and to keep you from overstuffing yourself at dinner.

This is the perfect way for someone to learn meditation and keep de-stressed with a Calm or Headspace subscription.


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